جهاز بصمة
Fingerprint devices for opening doors and attendance

Fingerprint device

Technical limit of security systems

It is known that every person created by God Almighty has his own identity, which is found on the tips of his fingers, and the fingerprints of one person and another are never the same, even if they are identical twins, and this is one of the divine miracles in the creation of man.

Even if at first glance it seems that the fingerprints of two people are identical, a careful visual examination by experts can easily distinguish the difference, and computer programs can also identify these differences between fingerprints.

We at Hadd Al-Teknia are keen to choose the best high-quality devices with the highest standards and the latest technologies and offer them to our customers at the best competitive prices.

أجهزة بصمة

Fingerprint device

Fingerprint recognition devices, they take a fingerprint through a scanner, then store it in a file on the device.

Upon request, a user’s fingerprint is taken and matched with the stored fingerprint, if it matches, the user is allowed to pass.

Fingerprint imaging devices have two functions, the first: obtaining a digital image of the fingerprint of a specific person who is allowed to pass.

The second function: is taking a picture of the fingerprint of a person who requests to be allowed to pass, and after obtaining it, it matches it with the original image stored with it.

بصمه اليد
جهاز بصمة الاصبع
فتح واغلاق الباب
Open and close doors
بصمة الاصبع
Using finger
بصمة حضور وانصراف
For employees
بصمة الوجه
Face/Eye Print
جهاز البصمة للموظفين

Features of the fingerprint attendance program:

  • Accurately record attendance and departure time.
  • A special program in both Arabic and English.
  • Prepare attendance and departure shifts.
  • Confirm entry only or exit only or both.
  • Use more than one fingerprint such as thumb and index finger.
  • Calculate overtime.
  • Create a report for the movement of one employee or all employees.
  • Connecting to more than one computer on the internal network or via the Internet.
  • Ability to withdraw reports using flash.
  • Supports attendance and departure cards.
  • Linking doors for opening and closing.
  • Ability to link all branches to the main headquarters.

Eye print device:

The eye has a fingerprint, as no two eyes are alike in everything, as the eye print is taken by looking into the lens of the device, which in turn takes a picture of the retina.

The iris print, which is currently one of the best security methods to verify the identity of people, as it is considered the easiest to apply to people among other types of fingerprints, due to the person not knowing or even feeling that his eye print is being read by high-resolution video cameras used to read the fingerprint.

جهاز بصمة العين أو الوجه